Play Homework


Create a collection Play Homework Factory Icon

Navigate to the Factory through Play Homework Home on the start page or through main menu / Ecercise Factory.
Create exercise button

Action 1
Pick between your second and third language as your target.

Action 2
Pick the tool you want to use. If you have a
vocabulary or any other text block
you choose between the Camera or the Gallery, otherwise the Pen. Press start creat wordcollection button

Action 3
Just frame the area of your targeted text or words and then just crop.
First column cropping

Action 4
Now you will have two parallel lists of words or phrases. Here it is important to make a spellcheck.
Word lists
If something is missplaced use the more menu More menu icon to add or remove fields. If all word pairs match up, save the collection.

Best photo practice Mobiles taking photo icon

When taking a photo of your vocabulary or text block, its important to keep the camera
flat, straight and still
Vocabular photo example
also use
enough light
in the room!

Chill and Play Play Homework Home

A great exercise to start with.
Chill and play exercise
Use the scroll wheel to navigate through the words. Choose the order that suits your knowledge and persona, tap play, or just tap the word in the wheel to show the word pair in the display. It's all about you deciding tempo and order.

Toggle GPT-4 to be active/inactive. If it's active, you will receive a sentence generated from the current word pair. If it's inactive, you will only see the word pair displayed, which maintains a better flow if you want to focus solely on the translation. If you desire context, keep GPT-4 active, and it will generate sentences for you.

Say and Spell Say and spell logo

When you are acquainted with your collection you may start to use the speech and spell environment
Say and spell exercise
Make your spelling or speech attempt. To make a speech attempt press Play Homework Home and hold Play Homework Home the microphone lightly while giving your spoken attempt. If it was correct the display turns green and the word will be repeated. Otherwise, give it another shot.

If you do not remember the right word, you may use the Play Homework Home hint button. Each tap will at the start give you one new letter. After two words you will get the first letter and then the rest for another tap. A complete hint will give you the pronunciation. Some words are just too hard to match against Google's voice library, which we use, just tap next button next. You probably are, after some attempts, already quite close to the real pronunciation.

You might also concider using Chat GPT-4 to create a sentence based on the current word, before proceeding to the next word. Notice that all chat messages are playable. Keep the dialog growing by pressing GPT-4 another time.

Chat and Play Chat and play logo

Chat with a bilingual GPT-4 in your first language and target language.
Chat and play exercise
You have the option to initiate the chat, making the session more open and based on your own focus. You may also let GPT-4 initiate the dialogue, where it will center the focus around one of your words from the current word collection (shuffled).

Feel free to respond in your first language, or if you prefer, you can answer in the target language. Keep the dialog focused on the given situation or take it in a new direction, using your imagination. With the list icon button you will pop up current word collection scrollwheel, for inspiration to your answers. If you feel like starting from fresh, use the chat recreate button to start on a new chat with a new focus.

All chat messages are playable here as well!

Edit wordcollections

If you in spite of spellcheck when creating the collection, finds inaccuracies, you have two options of editing the word pairs.

Option 1
On the start page you can left slide each collection from the list, and get the option of editing the selected collection.
Slide wordcollection menu
Option 2
In 'Say and spell' and 'Chill and play' you may use the more menu Exercise more menu to edit the current word pair.

If there are too many inaccuracies, just redo it. Maybe take a new cleaner photo of your vocabulary, to make it easier for the image reader to get it right.

XP and Collection status

Aim for at least 1000 Xp icon for each collection. Make sure to revisit them again to keep them fresh, otherwise, the status and the collection Xp icon will fade.